7/1/53 G


Distinguishing Features of the Work

Repairs and maintains machinery in a large commercial type central laundry.

The duties involve responsibility for keeping all types of heavy and light laundry machinery and equipment in proper working condition. Major overhauls of heavy machines are included in the duties. The fact that prison labor is utilized in the operation of the machinery makes the daily maintenance work more difficult. Results of work are reviewed and judged through performance of equipment maintained and repaired. General supervision is received from a Laundry Manager C.

Examples of duties characteristic of positions in this class:

  1. Oils all machines requiring daily 1ubrication and checks daily to ascertain that machinery and equipment are functioning properly.
  2. Checks steam traps and cleans them when necessary.
  3. Checks, adjusts, and installs diaphragms and air valves in washers and presses; installs cylinder cups on presses.
  4. Determines when repairs are necessary and makes them as needed, using prison labor when assistance is required; replaces worn and defective parts.
  5. Checks float tanks on washers, cleans air chambers, lubricates all machinery according to manufacturers’ specifications.


Qualification Standards

Completion of elementary school and at lease three years of experience as a qualified mechanic on laundry equipment and machinery.

Thorough knowledge of the component parts of laundry machinery and their functions; ability to repair all types of laundry machinery and equipment; ability to perform heavy manual labor.