2/16/90 A



This is the first class and supervisory level in the Geologist Management series. Positions in this class supervise a statewide geologic program or supervise Geologists and Geologist Seniors who perform field investigations and laboratory work, prepare geologic reports and maps, or investigate and remediate water pollution. Positions function as statewide subject matter experts in a particular program or area by developing and implementing agency procedures. Positions typically set priorities, assign work, analyze and interpret geological data, and provide guidance and technical assistance. This class is distinguished from the Geologist Senior class by its responsibility for supervising a statewide geologic program or a staff of geology professionals and developing and implementing agency procedures. It is distinguished from the State Deputy Geologist class by the latter's responsibility for broader administrative operations and implementation of agency goals and objectives.



Complexity of Work: Performs supervisory work of moderate difficulty which involves supervising a unit by planning, directing, and monitoring the work of geology professionals, or supervising a specific program by interpreting and developing agency policies and procedures. The work typically involves monitoring projects by overseeing work schedules, estimating resource needs, and reviewing and coordinating geologic reports to ensure completeness and accuracy. Provides technical expertise and training to professional staff, personnel in other state and federal agencies, and the general public, which may include industries, agency clients, or consultants. Negotiates and manages contracts with consultants. Develops and implements operating procedures and protocols for dealing with ground water contamination incidents. Evaluates sites of existing or proposed hazardous waste management facilities. Conducts geologic studies of road, bridge, and tunnel construction plans in order to make safety and economic recommendations. Designs and maintains geologic data bases. Writes geologic reports, produces geologic illustrations, and constructs geologic maps and/or supervises the development of these items. Writes manuscripts for publication. Develops procedures for data collection and presentation. Engages in independent geologic studies and research and participates in technical conferences. Performs full range of supervisory duties. May serve as expert witness in litigious proceedings involving geological issues, formulate budgets, or coordinate interagency committees.

Supervision Given: Provides general supervision to a unit of Geologists and Geologist Seniors or staff assigned to a statewide geology program.

Supervision Received Receives direction from a geology program manager or other agency manager.

Scope: Work affects the state's economic growth, water supply safety, natural resources use, and environmental concerns and research related to geologic programs.

Impact of Actions: Work has a serious impact on the public safety, economic growth, protection of the environment, and the use of natural resources. The work promotes safe highway and bridge construction, remediates pollution, and maximizes the use of water and other resources.

Personal Contacts: Frequent internal and external contacts with officials in local, state, and federal agencies; consultants; contractors; and representatives from industry and other interest groups to provide guidance and information and to coordinate activities and environmental concerns.



Knowledge: Considerable knowledge of geologic, geotechnical, and hydrogeologic principles, mineral resource development and geologic research; and of supervisory and management principles.

Skills: None identified for this class.

Abilities: Demonstrated ability to train, supervise, and direct the work of professional employees or to manage a statewide geologic project; to communicate effectively orally and in writing; to gather and analyze geologic data for reporting or maps; and to conduct independent field and laboratory geologic studies.



Licenses or Certification: None.

Education or Training: Graduation from an accredited college or university with course work in geology, hydrogeology, or a related physical science.

Level and Type of Experience: Extensive professional experience in geologic or hydrogeologic work and in the preparation of technical reports. Some experience in supervision or management.

An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.



This class replaces the Geologist C and the Geology Program Supervisor classes as a result of the statewide Classification Review/Specification Update Program. It was established in February, 1990.