This class is the third and supervisory level in the Marine Scientist series. Positions in this class function as research scientist for a particular program or as coordinator of a group of programs within a scientific or academic department or laboratory. This class is distinguished from the Marine Scientist Senior by its responsibility for initiating marine research programs and preparing research proposals for funding.



Complexity of Work: Performs work of considerable difficult involving a variety of administrative and programming functions to assist a department or division chairperson in the planning of scientific investigations. The work typically involves establishing program goals, recommending program scope, and implementing development. Develops experimental designs; determines and supervises sampling techniques and data analysis; serves as project manager or principal investigator; initiates marine research programs; provides advice on marine-related matters to federal, state, and local agency officials, industry, and private individuals; develops departmental budgets conducts research and scientific studies; prepares results of scientific findings for publication; may teach graduate level courses and provide advice to graduate students; serves on study committees and may be designated chairperson; and conducts educational programs and workshops. This class also develops grant and contract proposals; and makes presentations to private industry, government and foundation officials to solicit grants, contracts and to present preliminary and final findings.

Supervision Given: Supervises Marine Scientists, Laboratory Specialists, Laboratory Technicians, and support personnel.

Supervision Received: Works under direction of a higher level program manager or administrator.

Scope: Positions in this class administer marine scientific research programs of interest to government agencies, educational institutions, industry, and the general pubic.

Impact of Actions: Work has a serious impact on the public safety and protection of marine resources. Publication of incorrect or erroneous findings could have an adverse effect on marine life, the environment, and public health.

Personal Contacts: Frequent internal and external contact with academic and scientific staff, government officials, industry, vendors, contract officials and the general public to exchange or provide research information and to carry out administrative tasks.



Knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of the principles and method of scientific research, field operations, and sampling methods and techniques. Considerable knowledge of administrative and program management functions and data processing systems, applications, and capabilities.

Skills: None identified for this class.

Abilities: Demonstrated ability to prepare program funding requests; to conduct and direct independent research projects; to interpret findings to professionals and large audiences; and to prepare scientific articles for publication.



Licenses or Certification: None.

Education or Training: Graduation from an accredited college or university with advanced course work in marine science or a scientific field such as chemistry, biology, earth science, mathematics, or physics.

Level and Type of Experience: Experience managing technical research projects to include oversight of research techniques and administrative functions.

An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.



This class was previously titled Marine Scientist C. It was revised during the statewide Classification Review/Specification Update Program, effective