12/1/89 A



This class is the first supervisory level in the Forensic Scientist Series. Positions supervise and perform a wide variety of analyses related to the specific areas of the forensic sciences pertaining to firearms, toolmarks, questioned documents, blood and other body secretions, hairs, fibers, minerals, explosives, paint, impressions, latent prints and drug chemistry and communicates findings to a court of law. This class also schedules, assigns, and reviews the work of subordinate Forensic Scientists as well as evaluating and training teem. This class is distinguished from the Forensic Scientist Senior class by the responsibility for supervising forensic scientists in the performance of their duties. It is distinguished from the Forensic Section Chief by the latter’s responsibility to manage a forensic specialty of statewide scope, which includes the supervision of subordinate supervisors.



Complexity of Work: Performs work of considerable difficulty requiring the supervision and coordination of work activities and the examination and analysis of a variety of types of legal evidence. The work typically involves supervising and evaluating employees, developing employee performance standards and objectives, and recommending hiring and disciplinary actions; supervising and conducting training, examinations, proficiency testing and special research; supervising unit safety and quality assurance activities; providing technical assistance and information to subordinates, lawyers, law enforcement officials, forensic pathologists and the general public; evaluating and proposing changes to testing and operational procedures; recommending the purchase of equipment and supplies; recommending staffing changes, travel and requests for training; conducting complex examinations of legal evidence, preparing and reviewing detailed reports concerning examination results, and providing expert testimony in court regarding the evaluation and interpretation of evidential material. May provide on-site investigative support and instruct law enforcement personnel in the collection and handling of physical evidence. Positions must maintain the chain of custody and protect the integrity of evidence.

Supervision Given: Provides supervision to Forensic Scientists, Forensic Scientists Senior, Forensic Scientist Trainees and other support personnel assigned to work units.

Supervision Received: General direction is received from a Forensic Laboratory Regional Director or a Forensic Section Chief. Positions are expected to independently supervise units and consult supervisors in unusual situations.

Scope: Work affects the ability of a forensic science unit to provide the necessary forensics support to law enforcement agencies, commonwealth attorneys, and judges and ultimately affects the efforts of these agencies and individuals to investigate crimes and apprehend and convict criminal offenders.

Impact of Actions: Work affects the quality of forensics support provided to law enforcement agencies, commonwealth attorneys, and judges. It facilitates criminal investigations by providing supervision, information, and testimony that aids in the apprehension and conviction of criminal offenders.

Personal Contacts: Positions have routine internal and external contact with law enforcement officers to receive evidence, explain evidence gathering methods and explain the results of examinations; commonwealth attorneys and lawyers to explain the results and implications of examinations and prepare for court testimony; judges and juries during court testimony; forensic pathologists regarding the examination of evidence; federal agencies to provide and receive assistance in technical matters; and scientific equipment and supply vendors to procure equipment and supplies.



Knowledge: Considerable knowledge of forensic nrincinlPc5 practices, procedures and techniques used to prepare, examine and analyze items of evidence related to the specific forensic discipline; court procedures; rules of evidence; criminal law; applicable techniques of criminal investigation; and the principles and practices of leadership and supervision.

Skills: None identified for this class.

Abilities: Demonstrated ability to train, supervise, and evaluate the work of others; independently perform a variety of complex analyses in the specialty area and accurately record observations; write and present court testimony in an articulate and professional manner; and work effectively with law enforcement officials, lawyers, judges, other investigative agencies and the general public.



Licenses or Certification: None.

Education or Training: Graduation from an accredited college or university with major course work in a natural or physical science, forensic science or a related area. Course work must include or be related to the specialty area.

Level and Type of Experience: Considerable experience as a forensic scientist in the area of specialization and qualification as an expert witness.

An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.



This class was revised by the Department of General Services and edited and validated by a Classification Review/Specification Update team, effective December 1, 1989.