12/1/89 B
This class is the first in the Forensic Scientist Series. Positions in this class are involved in a formalized training program in a forensic specialty such as firearms/toolmarks, questioned documents, serology, trace evidence, latent prints and drug analysis. Positions receive a combination of classroom training, practical experience and courtroom training that culminate in qualification as an expert witness in the assigned forensic specialty. This class is distinguished from the higher level Forensic Scientist class that functions in a specialized area and is qualified to testify as an expert witness in a court of law.
Complexity of Work: Performs work of moderate difficulty requiring the examination and analysis of a variety of types of legal evidence. Incumbents receive training and perform duties of gradually increasing complexity with the objective of developing independent, professional-level competence. Work involves conducting experiments and attending lectures and seminars to gain knowledge and experience in examining forensic evidence. Positions work with experienced Forensic Scientists and learn to maintain the chain of custody and protect the integrity of the evidence, conduct complex examinations of legal evidence, prepare detailed reports concerning examination results, and present testimony in court regarding the evaluation and interpretation of the evidential material. Incumbents must pass both written and practical proficiency tests and a final moot court during the course of their work. Depending on the specialty area, some positions may begin performing certain types of basic examinations in a sub-specialty and testifying in court as necessary in these cases before the full core training period is over.
Supervision Given: Supervision is typically not a factor.
Supervision Received: Works under the immediate supervision of a Forensic Scientist Supervisor or Forensic Section Chief. Positions may receive some training from Forensic Scientists.
Scope: Training encompasses all duties and responsibilities of a Forensic Scientist in the assigned specialty area.
Impact of Actions: Successful completion of training program results in qualification as an expert witness in the specialty area.
Personal Contacts: Positions have occasional internal and external contact with law enforcement officers to receive evidence, explain evidence gathering methods and explain the results of examinations; commonwealth attorneys and lawyers to explain the results and implications of examinations and to prepare for court testimony; judges and juries during court testimony; and forensic pathologists regarding the examination of evidence.
Knowledge: Working knowledge of the laboratory techniques, analytical procedures, subject matter and laboratory equipment related to specialty area.
Skills: None identified for this class.
Abilities: Demonstrated ability to independently perform analyses; present and defend conclusions, both orally and in writing in an articulate and professional manner; and to work effectively with peers, management and users of services.
Licenses or Certification: None.
Education or Training: Graduation from an accredited college or university with major course work in a natural or physical science, forensic science or related area. Course work must include or be related to the specialty area.
Level and Type of Experience: None required for entrance into this class.
Other: An employee in this class must be willing to travel throughout the state and possess no felony or misdemeanor convictions involving moral turpitude or having other problems relating to character or veracity which could limit the effectiveness of court testimony.
An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.
This class was revised by the Department of General Services and edited and validated by a Classification Review/Specification Update team, effective December 1, 1989.