10/16/58 B


Distinguishing Features of the Work

Supervises the recreational program in a large state institution.

The duties involve responsibility for planning and supervising an established and well-organized recreational program in a large state institution consisting of more than 300 residential students or patients and for maintaining recreational equipment, supplies, grounds and facilities. This class differs from the class Recreation Supervisor A by the size of the group involved thereby creating greater responsibility in providing a suitable recreation program for a wider variety of interests and needs, maintaining more equipment and supplies and increasing the number of progress and activity reports required. Wide latitude is allowed in adapting the program to the individual needs of the students or patients to assist them in making a social adjustment. The program is constantly varied to meet the physical, emotional, interest and social requirements of a changing population. An assignment may include offering class instruction in personal hygiene. Supervision is received through frequent conferences with a higher level supervisor or the superintendent of the institution.

Examples of duties characteristic of positions in this class:

The duties shown below parallel those of Recreation Supervisor A but differ in variety, scope and responsibility.

  1. Plans and organizes recreational and athletic programs; selects equipment and material in consideration of students’ or patients’ needs and requirements of the activity.
  2. Prepares schedules of activities; directs various group and individual activities such as foot races, team sports, athletic contests of various types, and indoor games; provides for individual attention for those in need of encouragement.


  4. May conduct an instructional class in personal hygiene; may designate indoor or outdoor activities to be supervised by a house-father or house-mother.
  5. Selects and directs plays, pageants, circuses and State shows; directs the construction of sets and selects costumes as necessary; selects and schedules films as part of the motion-picture program; may recruit volunteers for assistance in the direction of dramatics.
  6. Provides for hobby activities such as arts, crafts and reading and encourages participation by students and patients.
  7. Prepares periodic progress reports on activities, behavior and participation of students and patients.


Qualification Standards

Completion of a standard college course with a major in physical education, recreation or a related field. Experience as athletic or recreation supervisor may be substituted for up to two years of college education on an equivalent time basis.

Ability to plan and supervise group and individual activities of varied types; ability to work effectively with a group of socially and emotionally maladjusted students or patients; ability to provide for continuous adaptation of a recreation program to meet the needs of a changing population.