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This is the third class in a series of classes for residential/day care inspectors. Positions in this class are responsible for inspecting residential or other facilities responsible for medical treatment to include nursing homes, hospitals, and a variety of other facilities with medical or mental health components. Positions in this class inspect facilities for the two purposes of licensing the facility for operation and certifying it for Medicaid/Medicare funding. This class is distinguished from the Residential Facility Inspector, Senior class in that the impact of the inspection is greater and the scope and complexity is greater in variety and technical nature of the facilities inspected.



Complexity of Work: Performs inspection work of considerable difficulty conducting on-site inspections of facilities that are diverse and technically complex having a variety of treatment programs in order to assure health and safety of patients and proper delivery of treatment by nursing staff and others. Issues licenses, certification of facility or resolution of complaints by observing and evaluating the delivery, appropriateness and quality of prescribed treatment by nursing and other staff; interviewing staff and patients to assess program and gather documentation; reviewing administrative and medical records. policies and procedures and other charts and records by analyzing data to determine compliance with applicable standards. Discusses findings with administrators; approves or disapproves corrective action plans. Compiles information derived from inspection, prepares reports or results of study, describes findings and need for improvement or revision of facility operations.

Supervision Given: Supervision is typically not a factor.

Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of a licensing supervisor, who reviews work for appropriateness. During inspection makes determination on own of what constitutes a pattern for citing of a violation of a standard.



Scope: The scope of activities determine whether facilities meet minimum standards for state licensure and for certification of Medicaid/Medicare funding.

Impact of Actions: The positive consequences result in the delivery of health care to the public or residents, and funding for the facility.

The negative consequence could result in a facil1ty not being given a license for business or change of licensure status.

Personal Contacts: Frequent contacts with administrators and a wide variety of health care professionals to interview, evaluate performance of some, and discuss inspection results; patients to ascertain treatment and respect of rights; other inspectors to discuss specialty; federal, state and local government representatives to discuss inspections or complaints. Occasional contact with public to answer inquiries.



Knowledge: Considerable knowledge of state and federal regulations as applied to the particular facilities being licensed. Some knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of other governmental inspectors involved in licensing the facility. Working knowledge of social and developmental needs of adults, elderly and/or children. Considerable knowledge of treatment plans and methods applied in care of the mentally or physically ill or handicapped. Considerable knowledge of health care and delivery systems. Considerable knowledge of medical and nursing techniques and practices.

Skills: None identified for this class.

Abilities: Demonstrated ability to communicate and respond diplomatically under stress and in adversarial situations; conduct interviews in order to extract information; observe environment and other conditions as they exist, recognize problems and apply standards; and interpret, apply and complete technical documents and records to support findings and effectively communicate these findings in writing to others.



Licenses or Certification: License to practice nursing or other health care professions in the state of Virginia.

Education or Training: Graduation from an accredited nursing program or health care program as related to facility inspected.



Level and Type of Experience: Experience in the delivery of health care and the administrative process in health care facilities.

An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.



Class specification revised as a result of study mandated by the 1987 General Assembly.