10-16-84 A
Distinguishing Features of the Fork
Manages a manpower services program section or a related support activity in the Virginia Employment Commission, or in the Governor's Employment and Training Division.
Supervises a varied specialist and clerical support staff, and reports to an Employment Security Chief.
Positions allocated to this class head program sections such as applicant or employer services, or provide management support services in areas such as resource allocation and utilization, and field office performance appraisal. Other positions provide overal1 program technical assistance, or head audit and monitoring activities for ensuring regulatory compliance.
Tasks involved may include establishing and interpreting program guidelines, financial planning and budget administration, supervising and appraising the work of subordinates in program delivery, serving as liaison with other state and federal agencies, developing auditing and monitoring procedures and supervising program auditing, and working with the Attorney General's Office, the Auditor of Public Accounts, and other regulatory bodies.
May represent agency with various federal, state or local organizations, assist regional office managers with administrative matters, provide for staff training, approve funds expenditures, prepare and maintain records and reports, and supervise information processing.
Qualification Guide
Knowledge of manpower services programs and related support activities. Knowledge of fiscal and administrative management practices. Ability to analyze and evaluate manpower services programs, and to interpret and implement statutes and directives. Ability to communicate and work with business and government officials.
Graduation from a college or university and experience in manpower service programs, personnel administration, vocational education, or a related field some of which was in a management or supervisory capacity; or an equivalent combination of training and experience.