8/1/87 A
This managerial level class manages an enforcement or compliance program and provides administrative assistance to central and/or regional personnel in the enforcement of federal and state laws. This two-track class enforces agency administered state laws and assists in the prosecution of known violators resulting from investigations of facilities or inspections of operations, or provides technical assistance to regulated entities in order to identify violations of agency administered laws, develops prescribed methods for correcting violations, and trains staff in methods of abatement. This class is distinguished from lead requlatory, enforcement and inspection staff by its responsibility for managing an enforcement or compliance program, supervision, planning, and budget functions.
Complexity of Work: Performs work of considerable difficulty in managing regulatory enforcement functions or providing technical assistance and guidance to regulated entities for compliance purposes.
Positions in this class with enforcement responsibilities manage the investigation and preparation of cases for prosecution; direct investigations of business and industrial facilities; plan and administer agency enforcement activities; conduct investigations of complex cases; and assist in the preparation of cases for prosecution.
Positions in this class with compliance management functions direct technical assistance services to regulated entities; evaluate the compliance status of permit holders and/or licensed operators of facilities or businesses; oversee the development of prescribed methods of abatement; and develop an audit tracking system to identify violations and violators.
Supervision Given: Provides general supervision to journey and entry level investigators and inspectors in the conduct of investigations and the assessment of compliance data.
Supervision Received: Receives direction from a division director or deputy administrator on program development and evaluations of operations.
Scope: Completed investigations and status reports enable the agency to determine the extent that regulated entities and licensed operators are following regulations and statutes. Completed reports indicate the professional conduct of the licensed, the status of facilities and the methods of operation.
Impact of Actions: Proven violations may result in permit and license revocation, probation, fines, and/or suspension. Program assistance enables regulated entities to comply with regulations and statutes and improve operations.
Personal Contacts: Frequent contacts with industrial and public officials and Assistant Attorneys General to discuss investigations.
Knowledge: Considerable knowledge of federal and state regulations pertaining to agency operations; compliance auditing principles and techniques; and law enforcement principles and investigative techniques.
Skills: None identified for this class.
Abilities: Demonstrated ability to direct the program and work of subordinate personnel engaged in investigations and compliance auditing work; interpret statutes and regulations; direct a statewide program evaluating and providing multiple services to varied businesses and industries; and communicate orally and in writing.
Licenses or Certification: None.
Education or Training: Graduation from a college or university with major course work in public administration, business administration, engineering, science or a related field.
Level and Type of Experience: Supervisory and program management experience in law enforcement, safety, criminal justice, or environmental resources.
An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.
This class was established in August, 1987 and replaces the Water Control Legal Affairs Director class following a reorganization of the Office of Enforcement.