7/16/86 E
This class performs compliance assurance work in the area of administrative procedures for specialized government functions such as voter registration, fee collection, review of applications for health benefits and records maintenance. This is paraprofessional work requiring considerable independent judgment in interpreting law and policies, statewide or regional travel to evaluate local office practices, and leadership in promoting uniform practices for services to citizens. This class is distinguished from Program Support Technician Senior and other similar classes by the requirement to audit the practices of local officials, write critical reports and prescribe measures to effect uniformity on a statewide or regional basis.
Distinguishing FEATURES of the Work
Complexity of Work: Performs work of considerable difficulty in the interpretation of complex laws and policy statements and writing their intent in understandable terms applicable to processes affecting services to citizens. Determines if district or local office practices are in compliance with state and federal laws and policy by on-site audits of activities such as voter registration, processing of applications for health benefits and record keeping. Analyzes facts gathered during audits, writes evaluative reports identifying incorrect procedures and potential for fraud or abuse, and formulates work plans to bring deficient offices into compliance. Provides clarification of laws and policy and guidance in the resolution of daily operational problems. Develops and conducts orientation and training programs for field office staffs to ensure uniformity of practices affecting citizen services.
Supervision Given: There are no direct supervisory responsibilities, but positions may provide guidance to office staffs in producing reports.
Supervision Received: Performs work under the general direction of a program manager or other professional and plans and carries out activities independently. Some guidance would be received from supervisor in unusual situations, in circumstances suggesting fraud
or misfeasance, or in committing the resources of the agency beyond current plans.
Scope: Employees in this class are responsible for monitoring
activities affecting the performance of the agency on a statewide or
regional basis, the proper functioning of district and local offices, and the quality and timeliness of services rendered to citizens.
Impact of Actions: Makes determinations that promote statewide or regional uniformity of practices affecting citizen services. Discovers incorrect and unlawful procedures and takes steps to rectify them.
Personal Contacts: Daily contacts with outside sources such as district office managers, local officials and general registrars by telephone, letters, briefings and training sessions. Advises responsible individuals on appropriate procedures and assures compliance through follow-up audits.
Knowledge: Considerable knowledge of state and federal laws and policies governing applicable field of operations and general office management and practices, especially those related to processing applications, record keeping, cash receipts or voter registration. Some knowledge of the principles of training needs assessment and formal instruction and automated office systems, related equipment and software packages.
Skills: Basic skill in operating electronic keyboards and other office equipment when appropriate in the individual position.
Abilities: Demonstrated ability to read and interpret complex policies and procedural instructions; teach others administrative procedures through lectures, demonstrations and leading workshops; gather facts through observation and interview, analyze findings, reach logical conclusions and recommend workable solutions to administrative problems related to compliance; communicate complex ideas, orally and in writing; and establish effective working relationships with agency and local officials at various levels.
Licenses or Certification: None.
Education or Training: Graduation from high school supplemented by some post-secondary business or secretarial course work.
Level and Type of Experience: Advanced secretarial or responsible work as an Office Services Specialist or Program Support Technician including responsibility to interpret or apply policies and procedures or to draft procedural instructions. Some experience in training others in administrative work.
An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge, skills and abilities may substitute for this training and experience.
This generic class was established for positions performing administrative compliance reviews.