8/1/88 B
This is the journey level class in the Statistical Analysis series. Positions in this class may be individually assigned to smaller agencies or institutions, or serve as a member of a large, statistical, research, data collection, analysis, and reporting unit in a larger agency or institution. Positions may supervise or act as a lead worker to an office support position in the smaller organizations. This class is distinguished from the Statistical Analyst Senior class by the more repetitive and routine nature of the duties performed.
Complexity of Work: Performs work of moderate difficulty using standardized or modified research methods, procedures and techniques. Typical duties include data collection, preliminary analysis, design of basic research instruments or use of pre-formatted instruments, original production of graphic material used to depict survey results or analysis of data, making preliminary observations regarding identifiable trends, and developing initial projections or assisting with the development of final validated projections. Positions may assist in the refinement of data processing applications designed to enhance the analytical process. Uses standard research methods and techniques for the selection of appropriate sample type and size for purposes of validation of results. Uses multiple statistical formulas and processes to highlight emerging trends or to assist in the development of long- and short-range projections of items such as enrollments, labor force, facilities utilization, revenues, expenditures, traffic patterns, incidence and type of crime, medical research projects, disease control, interest rates, population growth, land use and valuation, economic growth, utility rates, and tax base. Problem identification, along with suggested solution, may also be expected. May develop or assist in the development of data which describes the impact of proposed or actua1 legislation, rules, procedures, regulations, and strategic and long-range planning.
Supervision Given: Supervision is typically not a factor, but may lead office support personnel.
Supervision Received: General supervision is received from a Statistical Analyst Senior in a large agency or an upper level administrator in a small to medium-sized agency or institution.
Scope: Performance of duties and accuracy of work affect the results or operation of the services of the work unit and of the agency itself. As the single position in an agency or institution, scope may include the formulation of design and operational services.
Impact of Actions: Accuracy of the data collection, preparation and analysis w, eve an effect on the conclusions reached which will affect the organization in a variety of ways, which could include financial and public services.
Personal Contacts: Frequent contacts are mainly internal with management or specific supervisors. Occasional external contact is made with other private or government representatives. External contacts may be higher in a single-position agency or institution. Contact is for the purpose of gathering and verifying statistical and other type data used in program and research applications.
Knowledge: Working knowledge of data collection methods and techniques, statistical formulae, applications and graphic arrangements and display. Some knowledge of electronic data processing applications and usage.
Skills: Working skill in operation of video display terminal and calculator.
Abilities: Demonstrated ability to detect trends exposed through research and to correlate existing research data. Demonstrated ability to organize and prioritize daily work load.
Licenses or Certification: None.
Education or Training: Graduation from a college or university with a degree in statistics, business, math, economics or related curriculum.
Level and Type of Experience: Analytical experience in statistical, mathematical and data management or other related areas sufficient to function effectively in a program, research or statistical environment.
An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledge, skills and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.
This class was created in July, 1988 as a result of the Classification Review/Specification Update Program. This class represents an update of the former Statistician A and B classes which it replaces.