11/16/89 A



This is a single class series responsible for major functions within the Department of Aviation. Duties include either the responsibility to ensure that financial aid and technical assistance are provided to all public-use airport owners/sponsors and the aviation public in accordance with established policy and law; or to manage the functions of planning and promotion; or to manage the operations and licensing functions including aircraft maintenance and scheduling and aviation safety.



Complexity of Work: Performs work of considerable difficulty. This class supervises staff; develops financial assistance programs; processes applications for financial assistance; recommends grant funds allocations to airport sponsors; formulates policy and budget proposals; provides staff assistance to the aviation Board and manages the day-to-day operations of the airport services division; or proposes and recommends revisions to programs related to air service development, air transportation system planning, aviation promotion and aerospace education; or manages all functions relating to scheduling, maintaining and transporting aircraft. These positions maintain records in accordance with state, agency and FAA regulations; supervise maintenance personnel and the maintenance program while supervising the licensing of aircraft, registering private airports, licensing commercial airports and related permit operations; develop and deliver safety presentations and manage the safety program. Positions may be required to serve as pilots for flights transporting state officials. Positions may be designated to act for Director in his/her absence.

Supervision Given: Positions in this class provide general direction to pilots, planners, economists, information officers and general supervision to mechanics, specialists and clerical staff.

Supervision Received: Positions in this class receive general direction from the Director, Department of Aviation.

Scope: Positions in this class manage major functions or programs on a statewide basis.

Impact of Actions: Actions taken and decisions made influence the ability of subordinates to effectively perform their jobs. In appropriate actions could result in physical harm to the citizens of the Commonwealth, damage to property, and insufficient funding.

Personal Contacts: Frequent internal and external communication with federal and state officials and with the private sector to provide interpretation of policy, expert technical assistance; and to plan, design, fund, coordinate and implement specific aviation programs.



Knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of principles and practices related to civil engineering or aviation safety and flight operation management.


Abilities: Demonstrated ability to plan and manage programs and supervise people; to manage flight operations or apply civil engineering, economics or public administration principles and practices to planning and management of technical programs; to plan, schedule and manage program functions; interpret and administer agency, state and federal policies, rules, and regulations; develop budgets; communicate effectively both orally and in writing to groups and individuals. May require ability to fly multi-engine aircraft.



Licenses or Certification: May require FAA certification as multi-engine pilot with instrument rating.

Education or Training: Graduation from an accredited college or university with major course work in civil engineering, economics, planning, public administration, related fields or pilot training.

Level and Type of Experience: Progressively responsible supervisory and/or adminis-trative experience as a civil engineer, economist, planner, public administrator or flight operations manager.

An equivalent combination of training and experience indicating possession of the preceding knowledges and abilities may substitute for this education and experience.



This class specification was revised as a result of the statewide Classification Review/Specification Update Program, effective November 16, 1989.