12/18/80 A
Distinguishing Features of the Work
Directs the Marine Resources Commission Environmental Division in making assessments of engineering projects for permitted uses and encroachments on state wetlands, state owned bottom lands, and coastal sand dune areas. The objective is to balance the needs of an expanding population for economic and industrial growth against the needs to preserve natural resources in the marine environment.
Projects are reviewed but subordinate Environmental Engineers and assessments are made of the public and private benefits that will be rained verses losses that may occur in the marine environment. Case-by-recommendations are made for the approval, denim, or modification projects. Projects cover a wide range of type and scale including piers, dredging, filling, bridges, pipelines, bulkheading, channelization, etc. Directs a state/federal joint environmental Permitting system which includes U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and State Water Control Board. These agencies, and numerous others, use the VMRC Permit application system in examining projects which overlap their areas of jurisdiction. Presents protested cases at public hearings to the full Marine Resources Commission and gives recommendations for action based upon engineering and environmental analysis. Provides training and guidance to localities which have local wetlands boards in conducting public hearings and in granting permits its at the local level. Reviews permitting decisions of local wetlands boards and provides recommendations to the agency head and full Commission on rendering decisions on anneals and protests over local jurisdiction actions. Develops a financial man for the division and establishes objectives to he met within budgetary targets Provides supervision, direction, training and policy guidance to a staff of professional environmental engineers. Represents the Marine Resources Commission on multi-agency environmental task forces.
Qualification Guide
Extensive knowledge of state and federal environmental laws and regulations. Knowledge of environmental systems and ecology in the marine environment. Knowledge of engineering Principles and an analytical ability to evaluate engineering projects and structures and appraise their environmental impact. Supervisory and managerial ability, and the ability to establish and carryout goals and objectives.